Sunday, May 3, 2009

Web Development: Explain what the difference between are between Programming Languages

Online Web Design: HTML, XHTML, CSS
Programming on the Web Client: Javascript
Programming on the Web Server: ASP or PHP, MySQL
Online Animation: Flash, ActionScript

Most web sites that you will design with HTML or XHTML for the layout of the page and CSS for the style or theme. So a good knowledge of all 3 is a must. Flash animations can be embedded into the HTML or can be exported as the actual HTML page, requiring little or no HTML skills. You can make flash animations more dynamic with ActionScript which is similar to javascript. HTML is easy to learn and is highly recommended even if all you focus on is flash. Javascript is the most used client programming language. It is more difficult than HTML but gives you tons of options and helps make your web page dynamic: for example: forms, cookies, etc. You can also use Javascript to program directly on the server, this is usually used with Rich Internet Applications and this is called AJAX. It allows it to automatically update without a page refresh. PHP or ASP is a must. This allows you to do even more dynamic things such as store information in a MySQL database or offers advanced options in manipulating data. PHP is free whereas ASP costs and PHP is more recommended and more popular.

There are other programming languages but these are the basic ones and a good knowledge of them can take you far.